How to Give Kava to Dogs

Many dogs suffer from anxiety issues. These can be related to being separated from their owners or any number of genetic and biological conditions. Anxiety in your dog can display as nervous barking, excessive activity, uncontrolled urination and general hyperactivity. Kava is an herb that is known to produce calming effects in humans as well as dogs. Follow these tips for safely giving Kava to your dog and help reduce his anxiety.

Things You'll Need

  • Kava tablets or powder
  • Dog food
  • Food dish
  • Water
  • Plastic zip lock bag
  • Spoon or meat tenderizer utensil


    • 1

      Purchase Kava in tablets or powder form. These are readily available at most health food stores. They are usually marketed for humans, but are also safe for dogs.

    • 2

      Place tablets (if using them) in a plastic zip lock bag and grind them with the back of a spoon or a meat tenderizer utensil.

    • 3

      Prepare your dog's food in his regular dish.

    • 4

      Sprinkle the kava powder or crushed tablets onto his food. Stir the powder into the food so it is less visible. Alternately, sprinkle the kava into the dog's water dish.

    • 5

      Call your dog to come and eat. Shortly after ingesting the kava he should begin to display a more calm demeanor.