How to Relieve Tick Bites From Dogs

Tick bites need to be thoroughly washed and disinfected. These steps alone may provide a small alleviation of discomfort for some animals. But if needed, there are several solutions that provide relief from both swelling and discomfort. Regardless of whether signs or symptoms of a problem appear, your dog should be checked by a veterinarian to rule out any infectious diseases that may have been transmitted by the tick.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Soap
  • Disinfectant solution
  • Triple antibiotic ointment
  • Hydrocortisone spray or cream
  • Ice
  • Elizabethan collar


    • 1

      Wash the area of the bite thoroughly with soap and water.

    • 2

      Apply a disinfectant solution.

    • 3

      Medicate the area with a triple antibiotic ointment.

    • 4

      Alleviate swelling and itching with commercially available hydrocortisone spray or cream specifically formulated for dogs.

    • 5

      Continue to monitor the area for signs of infection or disease. Wash and re-apply the triple antibiotic ointment on a daily basis. Re-apply the hydrocortisone solution per the manufacturer's directions.

    • 6

      Consider icing down the area for a period of no more than five minutes out of every 30 if itching and swelling continue to be an issue. The ice will reduce sensation in the area.

    • 7

      Put an Elizabethan or E-collar on the dog if he chews or gnaws at the site. This will not alleviate discomfort but will prevent your dog from doing further damage to the area.