How to Give Intramuscular Injections in Pets

Treating your pet at home is less stressful on the animals than having to haul them to the vet everytime they need an intramuscular injection. Learning how to give an IM shot yourself will save money, time and stress.

Things You'll Need

  • Assistant
  • Sterile syringe with medication
  • Alcohol
  • Cotton balls
  • Towel


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      Restrain your pet. Use gentle restraint and only as much as necessary. You may inject your pet while he is standing or lying on his sternum. An assistant may make the process go more smoothly. Your helper should maintain control of your pet's head. This will help keep the animal still, and protect you both from possible bites.

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      Identify the injection site. Your veterinarian can advise which area may be best or easiest for you to give injections. The lower back (especially on dogs) is a common place for IM injections. IM injections are usually given two inches to either side of the spine--possibly less distance for cats, smaller dogs or other animals.

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      Part the hair at the injection site. The site may need to be cleaned with alcohol. Uncap the needle, being careful not to touch the needle.

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      Use a gentle push to insert the needle at a 90 degree angle into the skin and enter the muscle. Insert the needle to its full length. Draw back briefly, or aspirate the syringe. If any blood enters the syringe, you have entered a vein or artery. You will need to start over and try a new area for the injection.

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      Push the syringe plunger to inject the medication into your pet. When the medication has been injected, slowly withdraw the needle in the same direction in which it was inserted.