Why are My Dog's Ears Losing Fur?

There are many potential causes of fur loss on a dog's ear including allergies, insects, and infections. Consult a veterinarian if hair loss is extreme or persistent.

  1. Fleas

    • Fleas chew and irritate a dog's skin causing the affected dog to scratch. Some dogs with scratch vigorously enough to dislodge hair.

    Ear Mites

    • Ear mites are microscopic bugs that seek out warm dark homes such as a dog's ear. Ear mites cause a great deal of discomfort leading many dogs to scratch the hair off the back of their ears.


    • Dogs are subject to many allergies, including pollen, dust, mold, insects, and cleaning agents. Allergic dermatitis will often cause a dog to scratch and rub the affected area.


    • Mange is the result of mites embedding themselves in skin and hair follicles. Mites cause itching, scaly skin, and hair loss. The two common types of mange are sarcoptic mange and demodectic mange.


    • Fungal infections cause dog's skin to become itchy, inflamed, and scaly. Ringworm is a fungal infection that causes hair loss in round irritated patches on the skin.