Dogs can develop spinal cord tumors at any age but only 28 percent are under 3 years old. Ninety percent of dogs with spinal tumors are large breed dogs. There are various types and locations of spinal tumors. Your veterinarian will usually refer your dog to a specialist to determine the type and treatment options.
Dogs can develop spinal tumors.
Most causes are not known, however dogs under the age of 3 often have a type of tumor that may be genetic. The most common breeds to develop spinal tumors at a young age are German shepherds and Labrador and golden retrievers.
The first signs of a spinal cord tumor may be very subtle limping or unstable gait. Typically pain in neck or back that worsens longer than two weeks is a later sign. Eventually marked dysfunction in movement occurs. However some tumor placement may cause sudden severe symptoms.
Spinal tumors on the bone, extradural tumors, are the most common. Intradural-extramedullary tumors grow on the spinal cord nerve sheaths and account for one third of tumors. Intramedullary tumors attack the glial cells, which are part of the neurons that make and receive messages or surround those neurons. It is the least common type. Peripheral nerve tumors grow in the nerve root.
Your vet will use x-rays or an MRI or CT scan to determine the location. Blood work also helps in the diagnosis.
Spinal tumors in the bone that can be surgically removed have a fair prognosis but most intramedullary tumors cannot be removed. Survival time with surgery average is 240 days, 180 days if malignant and 1410 days with benign tumors.