Nutritional Supplements for Kidney Failure in Dogs

Chronic kidney disease in a dog ultimately culminates in kidney failure. According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, signs of the disease do not become apparent until Stage IV, at which time 75 percent or more of the renal function is compromised.

  1. Clinical Presentation

    • The earliest signs of kidney failure in your dog can include increased thirst and urination. As the disease progresses and impairment worsens, dogs can show any or all of the following signs: vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, mouth ulceration, dehydration and anorexia.


    • Dogs that ingest toxins, such as rat poison, can experience kidney failure, as can dogs with bacterial or fungal infections, or heart disease. Dogs that have undergone chemotherapy or long-term antibiotic therapy can develop compromised kidney function.


    • Omega-3 fatty acids are effective at reducing inflammation, while vitamins B, C and E, when taken with omega-3, can aid in providing energy to lethargic dogs. According to Aleda M Cheng, D.V.M., C.V.A, ginger supplements can help to reduce nausea in dogs suffering from Stage IV kidney failure.


    • Dogs can live with chronic kidney disease for a considerable amount of time by staying on a proper diet and taking beneficial supplements. Supportive subcutaneous fluids and reduction of stress in the life of the kidney impaired dog are also important.


    • It is vital to work with your veterinarian for proper staging of your dog's kidney disease. Monitoring your dog's condition and providing appropriate medication and supportive care, including an appropriate diet and supplements, will encourage longevity.