Home Cures for an Eye Infection in a Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are prone to eye infections, as their eyeballs sit so far forward in their sockets. If your Chihuahua is displaying signs of an infection, such as redness or excessive watering, there are home remedies you can try. Consult your veterinarian if the infection does not clear up.

  1. Inspect the eyes

    • Before trying any at home treatment, thoroughly inspect your Chihuahua's eyes. If you notice redness or oozing or if your Chihuahua is scratching his eye area, it is likely he has conjunctivitis, or pink eye. Take a warm washcloth and gently rub around the eyes to clean off any discharge. Be careful not to rub the eyes themselves. Make sure there is nothing stuck in the dog's eye because you will make the problem worse if there is.

    Boil water

    • Once you have determined the problem is not the result of an obstruction in the eye, take a small pan and fill it with water. Bring it to a boil on your stove, and then remove it. Allow it to cool completely. Boiling the water is simply for purification purposes.

    Add salt

    • Add a small amount of salt to the cooled water. This will create a solution similar to human grade saline. Using a clean cotton washcloth, gently apply the solution to your Chihuahua's eyes. This will cleanse out discharge and flush the infection. Continue applying the solution to both of your dog's eyes, even if only one appears to be infected.

    Dry the eyes

    • Using a dry cotton cloth, gently pat the area around your Chihuahua's eyes dry. Be careful not to rub the eyes themselves, as that will increase irritation and inflammation. Once the skin around the eyes is dry, allow your chihuahua to rest. You will not see improvement in its eyes instantly. It can take several hours before the redness ceases and the discharge stops. Monitor your Chihuahua, and inspect its eyes every few hours. You might choose to repeat the salt water flush every few hours.

    Consult a vet

    • If you do not notice any improvement in your Chihuahua's eye infection, take it to a veterinarian. The infection might be caused by an allergy, in which case a saltwater flush will not improve the condition. Do not ignore symptoms if the infection worsens, as it could cause permanent damage to your Chihuahua's eyes.