Acupuncture for Bone Cancer in Dogs

Acupuncture has been practiced for many years, and recently it has become a more popular alternative therapy for pets. Therefore, owners of dogs diagnosed with serious illnesses such as cancer now consider acupuncture a treatment option.

  1. Definition

    • Acupuncture consists of the insertion of small-gauge needles into various points of the body for the purpose of eliciting a positive physiological response that aids in therapy. Acupuncture is often used to relieve pain.


    • Acupuncture should only be considered once the dog has been diagnosed with bone cancer (osteosarcoma) and all treatment options have been discussed with the vet. Only after regarding conventional treatments should complementary acupuncture be considered.


    • There is controversy about the effects of acupuncture on cancer. Some believe that cancer patients may benefit from acupuncture, whereas others think that the needle may stimulate cancer growth.


    • Therefore, such differing theories can leave owners of dogs with cancer confused. The skeptic may deprive his dog from meaningful pain relief, whereas another considering acupuncture may delay other effective treatment options.


    • According to, research suggests that acupuncture may reduce cancer pain, ultimately providing a good risk-benefit ratio.