Poodle Ear Cleaning Recipe

Poodles are perhaps one of the most beautiful breeds in the dog world. Proper and elegant, these popular dogs come in three different sizes--toy, miniature and standard. With their extravagant haircuts, poodles are always found winning countless awards and medals in dog shows. Keeping up with that curly coat and other maintenance requirements can be quite time-consuming, however, and ear cleaning is a big part of that upkeep. Instead of spending costly amounts on pet store cleaners, it's easier, cheaper and just as effective to make your own homemade ear cleaner for your poodle.

  1. Everyday Cleansers

    • There are many gentle cleansers that you can use when the ears are a little dirty or when your dog has a mild infection. You can also use these cleansers to prevent infection, such as after a bath or swim. A simple one to try can be made by pouring two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into one cup of warm water. You can also make a cleanser by using equal parts alcohol and white vinegar. In addition, you can combine three-fourths parts of apple cider vinegar with one-fourth part witch hazel, or you can mix three-quarters parts white vinegar with one-quarter part water. The vinegars are beneficial for destroying yeast and changing the pH in the ears, while the alcohol can help to dry the ear. If your poodle has sores in his ears, the alcohol and vinegar may cause further irritation. A less harsh cleanser can be made by mixing together six-and-a-half ounces of vodka and one tablespoon of boric acid. Shake the mixture vigorously and keep adding the boric acid until it no longer dissolves. The vodka may be less irritating than the alcohol.

    Stronger Cleansers

    • If you have tried the everyday washes and your pet still has an infection or she is prone to chronic, stubborn infections, you may want to try a cleanser that has a little more kick. Mix six ounces of isopropyl alcohol with two ounces of white vinegar and one-half tablespoon of powdered boric acid in a squeeze bottle. Shake this until it is well combined. Then add one teaspoon of Betadine antiseptic and mix again. Another more aggressive flush can be made by combining three-parts white vinegar with one-part alcohol and one package of Domes powder. Once this solution has been mixed, add enough water to make a pint. Boil the water for at least five minutes and allow it to cool completely before adding it to the ear flush.

    The Proper Techniques

    • Before you apply any ear cleaner to your pet, it is important to know how to clean the ears properly. To begin, pour the ear flush that you intend to use from it's bottle into the canal until the cleanser comes out. At the base of the ear, place your thumb on one side and your pointer-finger on the other, and gently massage the ear for about 30 seconds. You want to try to work up any discharge out of the canal. Using a cotton ball or square, remove the wax. Repeat this process until the debris stops coming out.