How to Know If Your Dog Has Infection in Its Mouth

Infection in your dog's mouth can pose serious health risks to other organs in his body. The bacteria trapped in his teeth and gums can cause not only infection (called periodontal disease), but also tooth and bone loss and systemic organ failure. Once this disease develops, it becomes irreversible and difficult to control. The goal of veterinary treatment at that point is to remove the plaque and calculus (hard, mineral-like deposits that trap bacteria) from the teeth and prevent further attachment.

Things You'll Need

  • Latex (surgical) gloves


  1. Examining the Mouth

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      Smell your dog's breath. If your pet has halitosis (bad breath) it could be an early indication that bacteria are being harbored in the mouth.

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      Raise the lips and check your dog's teeth. Normal teeth are unblemished and shiny from crown to root. If you see tan or yellowish stains starting to build up around the root of the tooth, calculus is beginning to form and harbors bacteria.

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      Look at your dog's gums. Normal gums are wet and shiny and totally pink with no red areas. The gum line at the tooth root should taper into the tooth. If that gum line is rounded and red, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) has developed.

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      Press on the gum line and teeth with your fingers while wearing latex gloves. If the teeth feel loose or you see pus coming from the gums, your dog has severe periodontal disease and should be examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible.