Is Roundworm Deadly in Dogs?

The most commonly found intestinal parasite in dogs is the roundworm, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. Any dog not receiving a deworming medication on a regular basis is at risk of getting roundworms. If caught early enough, roundworms can be treated with a dewormer by a veterinarian and will not be deadly.

  1. Identification

    • A veterinarian can test a dog̵7;s feces to determine if she has worms. It's recommended that dog owners have their pets checked once a year, according to the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine.


    • A dog with roundworms may become malnourished and develop intestinal problems as the worms rob him of nutrients. Pneumonia and other serious breathing problems can result in younger dogs. The lining of the intestines can be damaged, according to, and animals with severe cases may have ̶0;thin, have dull hair coats, and develop a pot-bellied appearance.̶1;


    • If test results show that your dog is infected, the veterinarian will give you medicine to get rid of the parasites. Several wormers are effective for killing adult worms, but must be given to the dog again two to four weeks after the first treatment to kill any young worms that have since developed into adults.


    • Dogs pass roundworms to other dogs through their feces. Worm eggs become larvae, which are expelled from the dog̵7;s body through its droppings. Other dogs pick up the roundworms from drinking contaminated water, eating contaminated dirt or soil or licking contaminated paws, the AVMA says.


    • Roundworms can be passed to humans, although cases are rarely severe, according to the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine. Children are usually the most susceptible after coming into contact with waste at places such as playgrounds or parks. Effects on humans can include damage to the lungs, brain and liver, if roundworms spread to those organs, and possibly partial blindness if the larva reach the eyes.


    • Regular checkups and deworming will prevent roundworms and other parasites in dogs and limit the spread to people. The University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine recommends deworming any new dog immediately.