If your dog is a swimmer, repeated exposure to water can result in residual moisture in your dog's ears, which if not dried out, may lead to an ear infection. A dog's ear is not structured for easy removal of water, and if you notice your dog repeatedly shaking his head or itching his ears, water may be the culprit. Fortunately, an inexpensive home remedy can alleviate the problem.
Home Remedy
Because water and alcohol don't mix, alcohol is an effective ear-drying agent. The alcohol replaces the water, which is shaken out of the ear canal and then evaporates, drying out any remaining water. For many dogs, a squirt of isopropyl alcohol massaged in each ear after a swim is all it takes to dry out the ears and prevent infection. This should be done soon after water exposure; the longer you wait, the harder it can be to treat. You can also buy commercial ear-drying products from a pet supply store or your veterinarian.