Remedies for Eye Discharge in English Bulldogs

Bulldogs are distinctive in looks and personality. They are known for their nobility and fierce loyalty, but anyone who has ever owned one also knows that the breed is also known for its high-maintenance health issues. A Bulldog can be prone to eye problems that can cause his eyes to run or even produce discharge, but knowing about the issues that can affect Bulldogs will help you keep your dog's eyes healthy and keep eye discharge to a minimum.

  1. Entropion

    • Bulldogs are known to be one of the breeds prone to a specific affliction of the eyelids called entropion. With this condition, the eyelids roll in on themselves, exposing the eyes to the irritating hairs that surround the lids. This is a hereditary condition that can cause eye discharge, infection and injury to the cornea. This condition can only be treated with surgery, and the sooner the treatment is done, the quicker the associated discharge can be stopped.


    • Bulldogs can tend to have eyes that are sensitive to environmental pollutants and allergens. Exposure to these will cause the eyes to tear or produce discharge of a thicker consistency. Indoors, keep the air properly filtered with HEPA filters to reduce the amount of airborne pollution and thus help keep the dog's eyes from producing discharge. A Bulldog may also be treated with a hydrocortisone-based ointment that is applied to the eyes to reduce the inflammatory response to allergens and keep the eyes from tearing excessively.

    Chronic Dry Eye

    • Bulldogs are also prone to developing chronic dry eye, or keratoconjuntivitis sicca. Because this condition keeps the eyes from producing enough tears to keep the eyes lubricated and washed out, Bulldogs tend to develop eye infections such as conjunctivitis, which in turn causes pus-like discharge. Topical medications such as cyclosporine eye drops or ointment keep the tear ducts working properly and keeps the eyes well lubricated, preventing unwanted eye discharge.