Signs & Symptoms of Allergic Reactions to Dogs

When it comes to allergies, pet allergies are among the most common in humans. Signs and symptoms of allergic reactions to dogs vary by person, however, refraining from close contact with dogs, recognizing the signs and taking immediate action is the best way to stave off a severe allergic reaction.

  1. Symptoms

    • Symptoms of an allergic reaction to canines mimic those of other allergic reactions, including itchy skin and eyes, runny nose, frequent sneezing, rashes, chest tightness and shortness of breath.


    • Most people are allergic to a dog's urine, saliva or dander, or shedding dead skin. Because dogs top the list of the most common household pets, allergies to these pets are also more common.


    • Allergic reactions to dogs are caused by pet allergen proteins. When these proteins are ingested into the lungs or come into contact with human skin, it can cause the production of histamine. The histamine then causes irritation and swelling in the airways, which causes sneezing and difficulty breathing.


    • The most obvious form of treatment for canine allergies is to eliminate or reduce your exposure to dogs. If this is not feasible or the allergy is moderate, an allergist can prescribe medications to lessen the symptoms.


    • You can get a breed of dog that has less hair and dander than other types. These dog breeds include poodles, terriers and schnauzers. Frequent housecleaning, hardwood floors instead of carpet and professional dog grooming also can help.