How to Treat Liver Disease in Dogs

The liver regulates the level of chemicals, produces proteins for blood plasma, converts waste products, produces bile, stores glycogen for later use as energy, and eliminates toxins from the blood stream. Liver disease is one of the leading causes of the death of dogs in the United States.


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      Know the symptoms of liver disease in dogs: an increase in drinking and urination, loss of appetite, diarrhea, lethargy, weight loss, distended abdomen, jaundice and vomiting. The symptoms can appear gradually or all at once.

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      Bring your dog to a veterinarian for proper diagnosis as soon as you notice symptoms. The liver has regenerative capabilities, so the earlier the problem is diagnosed, the greater the chances of treatment and management.

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      Follow the veterinarian's instructions for treatment and care. Sometimes liver disease in a dog can be managed with dietary modifications. An antibiotic is also prescribed if a bacterial infection is present.

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      Supplement your dogs diet with vitamin K. A diseased liver produces less vitamin K than a healthy liver, and vitamin K is necessary for blood clotting.

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      Give your dog vitamin E, an anti-oxidant to prevent further damage to the dog's liver. It is best to use a water soluble form of vitamin E, since some forms of liver disease decreases the body's ability to absorb fat soluble vitamins.

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      Feed your dog a healthy and natural diet. Commercial dog foods contain additives, preservatives and other toxins that can lead to and compound liver disease in dogs. Talk to a holistic vet for help designing a healthy diet for your dog. Typically this means preparing the food at home. The recommended diet is usually low in grains and free of additives and preservatives.