Home Remedies for Canine UTI

A urinary tract infection (UTI), caused by bacteria in the bladder or urethra, can be very painful and uncomfortable for a dog. Symptoms may include difficulty urinating, fever, lethargy, blood in the urine, or cries from the dog when it is urinating. Unless the condition is too severe and requires veterinary attention, canine UTIs can be treated with home remedies.

  1. Citrus Juices

    • Citrus juices, including orange, cranberry and lime juice, can help boost the acidity level in your dog's urine. With increased acidity content, the amount of bacteria in the urine is lessened.

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    • Apple cider vinegar, a popular and effective remedy for a UTI, produces results similar to those of citrus juices. The vinegar neutralizes the bacteria present in the urine, helping to reduce your dog's discomfort. Adding 1/2 tsp. to your dog's food or water for three days should bring positive results.


    • Bathing your dog once a week can help ensure bacteria from the urine will not travel to the urethra, which could increase possible UTI-related complications. Keeping your dog clean can also help prevent a recurrence or spreading of the infectious bacteria.


    • A dog which has a UTI needs to urinate often to help eliminate the bacteria that have accumulated in his urine. Providing a constant supply of accessible clean water helps to promote the urination process. It is also important that your dog be allowed to urinate as frequently as needed.


    • Urinary tract infections can be recurring; therefore, it is important to be particular about your dog's diet. Food which contains preservatives or additives can weaken her immune system. Providing healthy foods, however, can build up her natural defenses against bacteria and infections.

    Herbal Additives

    • Garlic, effective in eliminating bodily infections, can be added generously to your dog's food. Echinacea is another effective herbal remedy which produces the same results as garlic. Uva ursi and alfalfa can reduce acidity in your dog's urine, while buchu can cleanse your dog's blood by ridding it of impurities. SelfGrowth.com indicates that buchu, a natural anti-inflammatory which prevents bacteria from adhering to the bladder lining, is considered the best natural remedy for UTIs.

    Veterinary Assistance

    • Proper treatment for a urinary tract infection must always be administered. A medical professional should always be consulted if your dog's symptoms are severe and he is in distress. Home remedies are appropriate when immediate relief needs to be provided to your dog; however, because they may become life-threatening, UTIs should never be left untreated for a period of time.