Signs & Symptoms of Acid Reflux in Dogs

Acid reflux in dogs, according to, is fairly common, and the symptoms and signs resemble symptoms and signs of acid reflux in humans. If you are not sure whether your dog suffers from acid reflux, watch for some common signs.

  1. Regurgitation

    • Many dogs suffering from acid reflux will regurgitate (spit up) their food. Watch your dog closely after it has eaten, if you suspect acid reflux.

    Whimpering or Whining

    • Whimpering or whining while swallowing is also a sign that your dog is suffering from acid reflux. Your dog should not experience painful swallowing.

    Not Eating

    • Make sure that your dog is eating normally, as a loss of appetite or refusal to eat could signal a problem.

    Weight Loss

    • If your dog is experiencing acid reflux, it may lose weight rapidly. Worry about this if there has been no increase in activity that would normally lead to weight loss.

    Inactive or Less Active

    • Watch your dog's behavior closely; if it is less active than normal after eating, this could be a sign of acid reflux.

    What To Do

    • If you notice these signs and symptoms, contact your veterinarian about treatment.