How to Tell If Your Dog Needs Vitamins

As is with human health, vitamins are essential to a dog's health. Generally, dog food has enough vitamins to sustain your pet's health. But if you feel that your dog needs vitamins, it is important to know what signs to look for. Vitamin deficiency in dogs causes very specific symptoms that you can detect once you know what they are.


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      Check your dog's hair, gums and skin. One of the most common signs of vitamin deficiency in dogs is lackluster appearance. Hair may be dull and or shed excessively. Gums may be discolored or inflamed. Skin may be itchy, flaky or red. A vitamin-deficient dog may even develop sores or lesions on its skin.

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      Observe your dog's behavior patterns. Oftentimes, when a dog needs vitamins, its patterns change. For instance, a dog's appetite may increase or decrease sharply. A dog may eat feces or have chronic diarrhea. Additionally, a vitamin-deficient dog will probably be lethargic and in some cases prone to illness.

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      Determine whether or not your young dog is meeting all of its developmental milestones. Vitamin deficiency in juvenile dogs can cause delayed or abnormal growth. Also, pay careful attention to your dog's vision and hearing.

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      Feed your dog food approved by the Association of American Feed Control Officials. If you suspect that your dog needs vitamins, give it a multivitamin until you can get it checked by your vet.