Canine Cancer Alternative Therapy

To learn that your dog has been diagnosed with cancer is devastating and frightening. It's not just the disease that frightens pet guardians, it is the treatment as well. If treatment is even possible, it usually includes invasive and difficult therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. In many instances, these therapies can't be guaranteed to cure or even improve the quality of your dog's life. Today, along with the conventional therapies and sometimes in lieu of conventional therapies, many pet guardians are turning to alternative therapies for their dog's cancer.

  1. Holistic Veterinarian

    • If you hope to treat your dog's cancer with alternative therapies, either in conjunction with or instead of conventional treatments, your first step should be to locate a holistic veterinarian. This doctor will be able to guide your toward the most effective natural therapies for your pet as well as ensure the natural treatments you use are safe and properly dosed for your dog. To find a holistic veterinarian in your area, go to the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association's Web site at


    • Herbs are a common natural treatment in holistic and homeopathic medicine. The herbs may be used to support the dog's immune system during conventional treatments or they may be used instead of chemotherapy/radiation. In other instances, herbs are prescribed to help dogs with the nausea and other side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Popular herbs prescribed for cancer, depending upon what type of cancer has been diagnosed in your dog, are bladderwrack, buchu, comfrey, dandelion, rosehips and wormwood.


    • Homeopathic remedies offer another option or addition to your dog's cancer treatment alternatives. Homeopathic medicine follows the principle of "like cures like." Homeopathic remedies are made from plants, animals and minerals. The remedies are highly diluted substances that are known to cause the illness they are meant to treat if they are given undiluted. The specific homeopathic remedy for your dog's cancer would be dependent upon the type of cancer your pet had, how far it had progressed and your dog's general health. Your holistic veterinarian will direct you toward the best homeopathic treatment for your pet. In most instances, homeopathic treatments rely on natural ingredients such as herbs, flower essences and plants heavily diluted in a solution of water or alcohol.


    • Some holistic veterinarians are incorporating acupuncture into their treatment of dogs' cancer. Acupuncture is generally used in canine cancer patients to improve the dog's immune system. Improving the immune system gives the pet's body a better chance at winning its fight against cancer. To find a veterinary acupuncturist in your area, visit the American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture at