How to Collect a Canine Urine Sample

Veterinarians examine canine urine to diagnose many issues, including diabetes, bladder infections, urinary tract infections and kidney disease. You can obtain a urine sample from your dog through a free-catch method, a noninvasive method of collection that you perform at home on your canine friend. Use sterile containers and disposable gloves to keep your sample from contamination before you get it to your vet.

Things You'll Need

  • Latex gloves
  • Leash
  • Urine collection cup
  • Urine storage cup
  • Plastic bag


    • 1

      Select a urine collection receptacle. You may use a collection cup from your veterinarian if you have a male dog, but a disposable plastic container will work -- and in some cases may work better. A female canine will squat, so you'll do better with a shallow, narrow dish for collection. You might have to fashion one from tinfoil.

    • 2

      Put on latex gloves, leash your dog and take him outdoors to relieve himself. Do it first thing in the morning, if possible. Hold the urine collection dish in one hand and the leash in the other hand. Keep the leash short so your four-legged friend is no more than about a foot away from you.

    • 3

      Watch your dog closely for signs that he or she will start to urinate. Let the dog relieve himself for about two to three seconds, then hold the collection cup in the urine stream to catch it. A sample size of about 1 tablespoon is generally enough for testing, but get a little more than that if you can.

    • 4

      Pour the urine sample into a collection cup. A clean jar will be fine. Screw the lid onto the collection cup tightly and take it back to your house after your dog has finished his business or you've finished your walk.

    • 5

      Place the storage cup in a zip-top bag and seal the bag to protect against a spill. Take the sample to your veterinarian as soon as possible -- within 1 to 2 hours of collection is best.

    • 6

      Place the sample in the bag in your refrigerator if you are not able to get it to your veterinarian for more than 2 hours and up to 24 hours. This will keep the sample somewhat fresh for testing.