How to Take Care of a Dog With Diarrhea

Dogs, like humans, suffer from diarrhea on occasion. If it lasts for more than three days, it is best to take the dog in for a checkup. Diarrhea can be caused by eating something that disagrees with the dogs system, a change in diet, worms, food allergies or infection. If there are no other symptoms visible, treating the diarrhea at home with little changes to the dog's diet is possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Chicken
  • Rice
  • Water
  • Hamburger


    • 1

      Check the dog over to see that there is no fever, pain or signs of viral or bacterial infection.

    • 2

      Examine the stool to see that there is no blood or worms visible. If either is visible, the dog needs to see a veterinarian.

    • 3

      Check for dehydration by pressing gently on the dog's gums to see if the color returns quickly. Paleness or slow return of regular pink color is a sign of dehydration.

    • 4

      Give the dog plenty of water and make sure it is drinking regularly.

    • 5

      Withhold food (not water) from adult dogs for 24 hours or puppies for 12 hours.

    • 6

      Feed the dog a mixture of 50 percent boiled rice and 50 percent boiled chicken (or hamburger) for two to three days.

    • 7

      Add normal food back into the mix slowly over the next two to three days as the diarrhea dissipates.