What Are Kidney Disease Signs for Dogs?

Kidney disease in dogs is a serious condition and normally incurable. There are two classifications of kidney disease - acute and chronic. Kidney damage is a result of the kidneys failure to function properly, eliminating toxins from the body, and the toxins building up.

  1. Kidney Disease

    • Kidney disease most often occurs as a result of old age. It can also occur due to diseases and toxins ingested by the dog, such as antifreeze.

    Symptoms of Kidney Disease

    • Symptoms of kidney disease include excessive thirst, frequent urination, pale urine, vomiting, weight loss, anorexia, fatigue, and muscle weakness.

    Diagnosis of Kidney Disease in Dogs

    • Diagnosing kidney disease is done through a blood test and urinalysis.

    Treatment of Kidney Disease in Dogs

    • Treatment for dogs with kidney disease include a low-protein, low-phosphorus prescription diet. If the disease is severe and kidney failure is occurring, intravenous fluids may be administered, as well as medications.

    Preventing Kidney Disease in Dogs

    • Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs do not normally appear until the dog has severe kidney damage. A yearly blood test should be performed to ensure the health of the dog's kidneys. It is also recommended that your dog drink plenty of water, keep toxins out of reach, and feed your dog a nutritious balanced diet.