Canine Liver Failure Treatment

The liver performs more than 1,000 tasks for your dog's body---removing waste and toxins from the body, storing vitamins and minerals, and even aiding in the digestion of foods. Liver failure occurs when 70 percent or more of the liver's function is lost, and it requires immediate care.

  1. Diagnosis

    • If your dog is vomiting, has diarrhea or is drinking and urinating excessively, your vet likely will check for jaundice and abdominal distention. Blood tests, a liver function test, urinalysis, an ultrasound or X-ray, and a liver biopsy also may be ordered, says The Dog Health Guide website.


    • Your vet may recommend hospitalization, says, to provide IV fluids and electrolyte therapy to rehydrate your dog, oxygen supplementation and colloid replacement.


    • If a bacterial infection is causing the liver failure or a secondary bacterial infection is present, antibiotics are prescribed, according to The Dog Health Guide. For a vomiting dog, antiemetics may also be given.


    • Your vet might suggest vitamin supplements or a change in diet to make up for the liver failure, particularly when it comes to protein.


    • Lower your dog's risk of contracting liver disease by vaccinating for diseases such as canine hepatitis or leptospirosis, says, and don't use acetaminophen to treat your dog's symptoms, as it's associated with liver toxicity.