Is Rubber Mulch Dog Friendly?

Dogs need a designated outdoor area where they can run and play. Such areas give them a place to get the exercise they need. Rubber mulch is a popular base for dog runs.

  1. Paws for Thought

    • Rubber mulch is a soft material that is easy on paw pads. It won't splinter like wood mulches. Rubber mulch will minimize muddy paw tracking into the house.


    • Studies have determined that rubber mulch is non-toxic.

    Don't Munch the Mulch

    • Rubber mulch comes in small pieces. If a dog eats a small amount it should pass through its system; however, if your dog eats large amounts they could create an intestinal blockage.

    Clean It Up

    • Rubber mulch does not absorb odor or moisture. Solid dog waste may be scooped off the mulch and liquid waste may be hosed off.

    Test It

    • Rubber mulch has a unique texture and smell. Visit supply centers to see how your dog reacts to the product. If you don't have a center near you, most companies will send you a sample of the product.