Herbal Cure for Kennel Cough

When naturally treating your dog's kennel cough, it is best to treat the underlying problem, not just the symptoms of this illness. Vitamins and herbs that support the immune system, clear the infection from the chest, and encourage natural antibiotics are the most effective healing methods. Most herbs can be added as a supplement to your pet's food so that it is fully digested and your pet receives the full benefit. A number of herbs such as garlic and goldenseal has several beneficial components and can be used to treat more than one symptom.

  1. Immune System

    • Herbs such as Eucalyptus, Garlic, and Echinacea are great to boost the immune system so that your pet's body can naturally fight off infections and diseases. These herbs are anti-microbial herbs which aid in the body's resistance to and destruction of pathogenic micro-organisms.

    Respiratory system

    • Expectorant herbs work to remove excess mucus from your pet's respiratory system, helping to clear up symptoms of kennel cough. Goldenseal, thyme, Irish moss, elecampane, and Licorice are all expectorants that can be used to clear mucus from your pet's chest so that he can breathe more efficiently.
      Your pet will also need to strengthen his respiratory system while it is healing. Pectoral herbs such as lecampane, garlic, Chinese Angelica, marshmallow and mullein all promote strengthening of the respiratory system.
      Wild cherry bark works to cool your pet's throat. This treatment reduces inflammation in the throat. Mix 30 drops of wild cherry tincture into one ounce of your pet's water. It has a bitter taste but it will help your pet to stop coughing.
      Yerba Santa can also be used for kennel cough, as it works as a decongestant. Add 20 drops of Yerba Santa tincture to an ounce of your pet's water. Continue to add several drops every few hours for the best results. Honey is a great supplement that can be added to warm water to coat your pet's throat and ease the pain of kennel cough.


    • Kennel cough is often accompanied by a fever. Febrifuges such as balm, boneset, cayenne, peppermint and sage can all be implemented into your pet's diet during and after the course of this condition. These herbs will help to reduce fever symptoms and body temperature.
      Kennel cough is a common illness that affects canines and some cats. This illness can be compared to the common cold in humans and it can last up to 15 to 20 days. This condition can be very painful and is often accompanied by loud coughing and honking sounds. It is best to let this illness run its course while using these herbs and remedies to reduce the duration and severity of this illness.