Roundworms & Hookworms in Dogs

Roundworms and hookworms are intestinal parasites, both of which can cause serious issues in canine health. Although treatment for both roundworms and hookworms is simple and inexpensive, prevention is the best cure.

  1. Roundworms

    • Roundworms are a common parasite found in soil. Dogs become infested by roundworms from ingesting feces or eating an infested animal. Puppies can ingest roundworm eggs through their mother's milk. Roundworms move freely through the dog's intestine. According to, roundworms expelled from the dog's body might resemble spaghetti (see Reference 1).


    • According to the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC), "blood loss, weight loss, diarrhea or death" can result from hookworms (see Reference 2). Hookworm eggs and larvae are found in soil. The dog picks them up through normal daily activities. Female dogs can transmit hookworms to their puppies. Hookworms attach themselves to the dog's intestines.

    Transmission to Humans

    • Transmission of worms to person frequently occurs with poor hand washing after handling canine stool. Children are more likely to be infested because of their tendency to kiss their pets or to go barefoot in areas in which worm eggs may be present in the soil (see References 1 and 2).


    • Roundworm treatments are multiple doses of an oral liquid (see Reference 3). Many heartworm treatments also prevent hookworms (see Reference 2). Other treatments might be available from your veterinarian.


    • Keeping the yard free of feces is key to preventing intestinal parasites. Early de-worming treatments of puppies, starting at 2 weeks, is recommended for preventing infestation of both the dog and the environment (see References 1 and 2).