Home Remedy for Mange Using Lemon

Mange is a skin disease caused by microscopic mites that live down in the roots of your dog's hair. All dogs have these mites but when they overproduce, mange occurs. While it can be worrisome to see scaly patches of skin appear on your pet, mange can often be treated at home for little or no cost.

  1. Symptoms

    • When mange symptoms arise, they begin with hair loss and red, irritable patches of skin. These areas can become itchy, causing your dog to scratch the area repeatedly. In the worst cases, the affected areas can become infected. To avoid infection and increased veterinary costs, owners should treat mange when it first appears.


    • A simple mixture of lemon water can be used to treat the affected area. Thinly slice one whole lemon and add it to one pint of boiling water and allow the mixture to steep overnight. Apply to mange-affected areas of your dog's skin once a day.The acid in the lemons will kill tiny mites without causing your pet any pain or discomfort.


    • To keep your dog's mite population under control, brush and bathe him regularly to remove old, scabby skin. Areas where your pet spends a lot of time, such as beds or a kennel, should be washed frequently. Keeping your dog healthy with vitamin supplements and high quality food will deter mites, who prefer to infest unhealthy animals.


    • If symptoms of mange are left untreated, infections of the skin can occur. These infections can lead to swelling, fever, and even death. If symptoms continue to get worse, even after applying the lemon juice tonic, it may be time to visit the vet.