How to Help Your Dog Lose 10 Pounds

Too many dog owners lavish their beloved pets with all sorts of treats and snacks only to find that their dog has a weight problem. Obesity in animals is similar to excess weight in humans in that it adds stress to internal organs, bones and joints and decreases overall comfort and health. If you want your dog to have a better chance at living longer and enjoying life more, make sure that it loses excess weight.

Things You'll Need

  • Veterinarian
  • Dry dog food
  • Leash


    • 1

      Take your dog to a veterinarian for an overall physical examination. Sometimes medical conditions such as diabetes and hypothyroidism can be the underlying causes of excess weight gain. If so, you'll need medical prescriptions and input from your vet to treat these conditions as you work to help your dog lose weight.

    • 2

      Reduce the amount of food you feed your dog. The average feeding guidelines for a dog's daily intake are as follows: 1 1/2 cups of food per 20 pounds of weight for smaller dogs, and one cup of food per 20 to 25 pounds for larger breeds.

    • 3

      Stop giving your dog table scraps, especially those high in fat.

    • 4

      Exercise your dog daily. If your pet is only slightly overweight, take it on a brisk 30- to 45-minute walk. Reduce the length of the walk for dogs that are very heavy, as they might not be able to make longer walks at first.

    • 5

      Expect gradual results. As in humans, rapid weight loss is not healthy. A healthy goal is for your dog to lose 1 percent to 2 percent of its body weight per week. Therefore, a larger dog should be able to lose 10 pounds more quickly than a smaller breed.