Every dog does take time to groom, but the ears are often overlooked part. Dogs ears need to be cared for at all times, especially after doing an activity such as swimming. Caring for your dog's ears after swimming is a simple and relatively easy thing to do.
Things You'll Need
- Towel, cotton balls or cotton swabs
- Dog drying ear cleanser
- Hydrogen peroxide
Understand that a dog's ear is different from humans and needs to be treated differently. There are two separate parts to care for--the outer more visible portion and the inner ear canal--both of which need cleaning and care.
Dry the outside of your dog's ears immediately after swimming by holding the flap open and wiping the water off. Use a small towel, cotton balls, pads or something else soft and wipe the outer portion of each ear without sticking anything into the ear canal.
Check each ear for signs of irritation or infection. Determine if there are any strange odors coming from the ears and look for redness or debris. Clear away any remaining water so that any pool chemicals or pond debris gets removed.
Get a drying ear cleanser specifically for dogs. If you do not have any on hand hydrogen peroxide will work as well. This prevents yeast and bacterial infections.
Hold your dog's head still in a position that allows you to see into the ear canal and lets the drying agent get into the ear canal. Enlist the help of someone if needed and work in a well let area.
Clean the outside of the ear gently wiping off any debris you can see. Follow the instructions on the drying agent and put drops of the drying agent into each canal one at a time.
Massage the ear so that the solution works its way down and hold your dog's head down for about 30 seconds. Allow your dog to sit up after that.