What is a Home Remedy for Hypoglycemia for Dogs?

Low blood sugar level is a condition called hypoglycemia. In dogs, this is sometimes referred to as sugar fits. Symptoms include listlessness, stupor, seizures, inability to wake up or coma, depression and anxiety. It's important to learn home remedies to help increase the sugar in your dog's blood to avoid a serious medical emergency.

  1. Meals

    • If your dog is showing minor signs of hypoglycemia, such as weakness or fatigue from day to day, break up his meals. Instead of serving large meals, give him small meals throughout the day and treats if necessary. This will allow for less time between eating and help reduce incidents of low sugar. Monitor your dog's weight. An obese dog is more likely to have difficulties with low blood sugar. The diet should be a healthy one using a food recommended by your veterinarian.

    Corn Syrup

    • If your dog appears to be going into shock, hard to wake and extremely listless, it's important to get some sugar into his system fast. One good method is with corn syrup. This is especially helpful if you have a small dog. Rub the syrup directly onto his gum. The syrup will be absorbed into his bloodstream. Larger dogs may take several applications because they will require more sugar to increase their glucose level to normal. . A good dosage plan is 1 tsp. of corn syrup for a small dog or a puppy, and 1 tbsp. for large dogs. If you don't have corn syrup available, try colas, fruit juice or honey


    • The best treatment is prevention. If your dog is showing symptoms of hypoglycemia, there may be an underlying cause such as diabetes. It's important to get him to a vet as soon as possible.

      A special diet might help keep sugar fits down. Your vet might suggest a diet rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates. This will slow digestion and get blood sugar balanced. A solid, balanced exercise routine will also help. You should develop a routine that is consistent day to day. Overexertion can also lead to low blood sugar.

      Some herbal supplements help promote pancreatic health in dogs. The pancreas is the organ that regulates blood sugar levels. Chromium picolinate is an example. All supplements should only be used at your veterinarian's direction.