Natural Cures for Canine Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common health problems that can afflict a dog. reports that about 14 percent of all dogs worldwide will develop this disorder at some point in their lives. Early diagnosis and treatment will help to ensure the condition does not become more serious. If left untreated, a UTI can spread affecting the bladder, developing into kidney disease, and possibly resulting in death. Scar tissue may also form, making urination irritating or difficult.

  1. Prescribed vs. Natural

    • Veterinarians usually prescribe antibiotics to treat UTIs, but side effects can create other health problems including loss of appetite, lethargy and vomiting. Herbal and homeopathic remedies are effective in treating not only the symptoms of UTIs but also the causes. Natural cures can be safe, effective and affordable without side effects, and are good complements to the antibiotics given by a vet. However, one should inform the doctor of the decision to give natural remedies to the dog before actually administering them. Some chemical antibiotics may cause unexpected reactions with the natural components of the herbs.


    • Herbs and botanical extracts are well known tonics for treating and preventing UTIs. Rosehip contains iron needed by dogs with UTIs. It also has high levels of vitamin C, which could help to alleviate the dog's infection. Yarrow can help to maintain healthy functioning of the urinary tract, normal urine flow and sustained bladder health. Herbal Remedies reports that the herb buchu is the best natural remedy for UTI in dogs. It cleans the blood and eliminates impurities that can develop into bladder stones.

    Regular Use of Herbs

    • Natural remedies, such as herbs and botanical extracts, should be given to a dog on a regular basis. These plants help to restore balance at a cellular level and promote the overall health of the dog. They also can help to keep a dog's immune system strong and prevent infections from reoccurring. It would also be beneficial to give the dog foods, which are natural and contain no added preservatives.

    Home Remedies

    • Items can be found in the everyday home to help with a canine's urinary tract infection. Citrus juices, such as orange juice, cranberry juice, and lime juice, will help boost the acidity of a dog's urine lessening the amount of bacteria. Apple cider vinegar neutralizes the bacteria in the urine and can help reduce the dog's discomfort. Garlic, sprinkled in the dog's food, can be effective in getting rid of infections inside its body. These ingredients, added to a dog's food or water, can help to provide relief to the dog; however, the animal should always receive professional medical care when needed.


    • To help prevent a dog from contracting a UTI, the animal should have access to plenty of clean fresh water. Dogs with UTIs need to urinate often to help flush out bacteria. Dogs should also be given the opportunity to urinate as frequently as needed. Keeping the dog clean will ensure that bacteria from the urine will not travel to the urethra, which could enhance the possible complications of a UTI.