There are many reasons why your dog may scratch all the time. Some of the more common reasons are fleas, allergies, mange and nutritional issues. Another reason your dog may scratch all the time, is a psychological one. Your dog may in fact have dog anxiety. Though it can be very difficult to determine why your dog is scratching all of the time, there are ways that you can help to offer your beloved pet some relief.
Bathe your dog regularly in cool water for 5 to 10 minutes. Add epsom salt, colloidal oatmeal or baking soda to the water, to help ease the itching. Use medicated antihistamine shampoos as well, to add to the soothing of your dog̵7;s itching. Rinse your dog off with a skin conditioning rinse. Pat the dog dry with the towel instead of rubbing, so that the itching is not intensified.
Provide food to your dog that will help to maintain a healthy diet. Use a hypoallergenic diet as a trial, to end your dog̵7;s itching. Natural dog itching remedies such as fatty acids in marine or primrose oil will help to soothe the itch. Use omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids that have zinc in them. Continue to use these supplements for several weeks to ensure your dog gains the advantages from their use.
Keep your dog active. Don't allow your dog to be bored, inactive or unoccupied for lengthy periods of time. Make sure that your dog has plenty of things to do, in order to prevent psychological dog anxiety. Play and walk with your dog. Make up games such as hiding food for your dog to find. Provide your dog with toys. Allow your dog to look out of windows at other pets and people outside in order to distract your dog from scratching.
Take your dog to a veterinarian. Ask your veterinarian to perform skin tests in order to find out if your dog has mange or allergies. Find out if your dog is infected with bacteria, fungi or has fleas. Follow the veterinarian̵7;s instructions dictating how to treat the ailment. Give Continue to monitor your dog̵7;s health and maintain contact with the veterinarian.