Asthma attacks in dogs occur due to sensitivities to triggers such as environmental allergens, chemical irritants, weather changes, smoke, pollution and anxiety. Exposure to such triggers causes attacks in asthmatic dogs.
Chronic asthma attacks can decrease activity levels in dogs.
A dog's airways become inflamed and filled with mucous, leading to tightening and constriction of the airways, potentially in combination with allergy-related congestion, sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes.
As dogs try to exhale during an asthma attack, stored air in the bronchial sacs leads to feelings of suffocation that may cause hyperventilation, intense coughing and pawing of the face.
Behavioral symptoms of asthma in dogs may include decreased activity levels, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, depression, weight loss, chronic coughing and diminished appetite.
Asthma attack symptoms include wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath. Chronic asthma attacks can lead to respiratory infections and illness in dogs, so consulting a veterinarian is advised.
Veterinarians typically prescribe corticosteroid medications to decrease inflammation and antihistamines and bronchodilators to relieve excess fluids. Epinephrine injections treat severe canine asthma attacks.