Natural Pain Relief for Dogs

Medications and trips to the veterinarian can be costly and sometimes ineffective. For chronic conditions, where a professional has already diagnosed the problem, some pet owners are turning to natural remedies for treatment and pain relief. There are several herbs and procedures that can help improve your family pet's health and comfort.

  1. Licorice Root

    • When digested in the form of a tincture, licorice has anti-viral qualities as well as respiratory and expectorant properties. A common ingredient in dog food, licorice also aids in digestion and reduces acid reflux pain and discomfort. Dogs generally like the flavor of licorice, so feeding him the tincture should not be difficult. If your dog refuses the solution, use a syringe to inject the tincture into a soft dog treat.

      Licorice may also be applied topically to reduce inflammation and relieve arthritis pain. Massage a generous amount of licorice oil infusion onto the dog's joints and painful areas, using a slow, circular motion.

    Glucosamine Chondroitin

    • Glucosamine and chondroitin are sold as an herbal supplement that can aid both humans and dogs with arthritis pain. This supplement will help rebuild deteriorating cartilage in joints and repair the damage of arthritis. Glucosamine chondroitin is approved by the Food and Drug Administration, but not all brands of the supplement are approved. Use caution and carefully read the labels before purchasing an herbal supplement. While you can purchase this supplement in any pharmacy or drug store for human use, it is recommended to get a brand specifically for dogs to ensure proper dosage.

    Homeopathic Medicine

    • Many veterinarians offer homeopathic alternatives for pain management. Acupuncture is a popular method for natural pain relief for both humans and dogs. Unfortunately, unless you live in a metro area, it may be difficult to find a veterinarian that offers this service.

      Oil infusion massages are also effective treatments for chronic pain. Oils such as peppermint, ginger, and feverfew are commonly used for pain-relief massages. The best thing about this method is that pet owners can perform these massages at home, when their dog needs relief the most.