Mange is a disease that affects dogs, cats, cattle and even humans. It is caused by the mange mite and is highly contagious.
Mange can affect dogs.
Mange is caused by burrowing mites that cause intense itching, inflamed red bumps, oozing and crusting sores, and hair loss.
Sarcoptic mange found in dogs is similar to the human skin condition scabies; a closely related mite affects cats. Red mange is caused by a mite that lives in the hair follicles of the skin of dogs. Ear mange is common in dogs, cats and rabbits.
Mange symptoms are often confused with flea bite reactions.
Treat animals with mange with a topical "dip" after bathing the animal in medicated shampoo that opens up the hair follicles. Apply drops of mineral oil into the ears and clean out the debris every two days for about 21 days.
An undernourished animal is highly susceptible to mange. Since mange is highly contagious, keep pets away from animals exhibiting signs of the disease. If mange in your pet is suspected, contact a vet immediately. Humans with canine mange should consult a physician.