What Are the Symptoms of Parvo Disease?

Canine parvovirus, which is usually called parvo, is a disease that normally affects puppies and sometimes older dogs. Parvo kills cells in the puppy's digestive tract, causing severe gastrointestinal problems that become the real concern in parvo: malnutrition and dehydration. There is no cure for parvovirus; it is treated by providing fluids through an IV. There is a vaccination for puppies to prevent contraction of the disease.

  1. Fever

    • One of the first symptoms puppies develop is a high fever.

    Lethargy and Depression

    • Affected puppies will be less active than normal and will spend more time laying down or sleeping. This is also one of the early symptoms.

    Loss of Appetite

    • Another one of the first symptoms a puppy will exhibit is loss of appetite. Puppies normally eat a lot, so avoiding food is very suspicious.

    Diarrhea and Vomiting

    • The symptoms will develop into bloody diarrhea that has a very foul odor and clear, foamy vomiting.

    Time Frame

    • Puppies will start showing symptoms within seven to 10 days of contracting parvo. This is also the time they will test positive for the disease.