Home Remedies for English Bulldog Face Allergy

English Bulldogs are prone to allergies, which are most commonly seen in their face. English Bulldog nasal and throat passages are more constricted because of the size and shape of their noses and mouths. Even small allergy attacks will make an English Bulldog stuffy and hoarse, as well as cause him to experience an itchy face. There are several home remedies to try if your English Bulldog is experience facial allergies.

  1. Change Food

    • Change your dog's food. Most allergies in all dogs are caused by an allergy to an ingredient in a particular brand of food. Allergy tests for dogs can be expensive, so before you have your vet do one, switch to a different brand of food. Food companies put different ingredients into dog food, such as vegetables, grains and wheat. Ingredients that are most prone to cause allergies in English Bulldogs include corn and wheat. Try foods that don't have these ingredients. Wean your dog off of one type of food and on to another, and then leave him on the new food for at least two weeks to see if his allergies improve. If you notice a marked difference in his sneezing, raspy bark or face itches, keep him on the new food.

    Remove Allergens

    • Remove other allergens that might be present in your dog's life. If you have changed his food and have not seen a difference, the allergy is coming from somewhere else. Allergens might be plant matter present in your home, cleaning products or air fresheners. Remove these things, one at a time, from your home. Don't remove more than one item at a time, because you will need to know what is different if your dog starts to have less allergy problems. Anything that is airborne, plant matter or that has a strong smell can be a candidate for allergies.

    Change Things Around

    • Change the place in which your dog is sleeping. Get rid of any old bedding and replace it with brand-new bedding. Change the location of his kennel or his dog bed. Put his food and water in a different place. Even if you have gone through everything that you believe might be causing his allergies, you might not have caught them all. Moving your dog from one place to another in your home will give him a fresh start and any mold, pollen or dust that was in the old location will not affect him.