How to Kill Bed Bugs With Flea Treatments

Bed bugs are an all too common nuisance within the home. These pests invade our sheets and parasitically feed off of our bodies at night, spreading disease and causing sickness. Some people may even be allergic to their bites, causing the victim to swell up and develop red sores all over his skin. Fortunately, bed bugs can be killed with common flea treatments and a bit of ingenuity.

Things You'll Need

  • Bath tub
  • Flea shampoo


  1. Removing Bed Bugs

    • 1

      Fill the bath tub with hot water and mix in a healthy dose of the flea shampoo; at least 6 fluid ounces.

    • 2

      Place the infected sheets, comforters and pillow cases into the bath tub and let them soak for 10 minutes.

    • 3

      Remove the soaked cloths, which should now be free of bed bugs and wash/dry them as you normally would.

    • 4

      Drain the tub and thoroughly rinse it using the shower head.