Can I Use Vinegar & Water on My Dog?

Apple cider vinegar is a versatile tool in the treatment and prevention of many health concerns that may be affecting your dog. When mixed with water, apple cider vinegar can be used to treat skin and ear infections, help with flea and tick infestations, and even help with arthritis.

  1. Daily Supplement

    • When used as a daily supplement, apple cider vinegar can help maintain the proper acid/base balance in your dog's body. It also aids in digestion and inhibits the growth of bacteria and yeast in the gut. Apple cider vinegar is a great source of potassium which is necessary for the proper functioning of enzymes, muscles and nerves. Apple cider vinegar can be added to your dog's water daily. 1 teaspoon for dogs up to 14 pounds, 2 teaspoons for dogs up to 34 pounds, and 1 tablespoon for dogs up to 85 pounds.

    Ear Cleaning

    • Ear infections are one of the most common reasons for veterinary visits. Regular weekly cleaning with a mixture of one part water and one part apple cider vinegar will help to keep ear problems under control. Gently wipe the ear surface with a cotton ball dipped in the solution once a week. If your dog's ears are infected, place a small amount of the solution into the ear canal and massage at the base of the ear; wipe clean with a cotton ball. Repeat this treatment daily for five days and then resume regular weekly cleanings.

    Skin Care

    • Yeast infections of the skin, caused by Malasezzia pachydermatis, are very common in dogs. Yeast infections will cause your dog to have a strange musty odor, his skin will feel oily or greasy to the touch, and he will be very itchy. Vinegar and water are great for treating these yeast infections, and, routine vinegar and water rinses will help to keep them from recurring. Use a solution of one part water and one part raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, pour over your dog's skin and allow to air dry. Apply this solution weekly. You can also keep a spray bottle of the solution handy and apply anytime you see your dog scratching a particular spot. Do not use the vinegar solution on dogs with open sores as this can cause the sores to burn.

    Fleas and Ticks

    • Apple cider vinegar actually works to repel fleas and ticks from your dog. The fleas and ticks do not like the taste of the vinegar, so they will not remain on your dog. You can apply a 1:1 solution of water and vinegar liberally to your dog's coat. Allow to air dry. You can use this solution daily until all the fleas and ticks on your dog are gone and then use weekly as a preventative. For a more fragrant solution, add crushed rosemary or chamomile leaves to plain vinegar and place in a warm spot for about 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, strain the vinegar and add a few drops of essential oil. Use the same 1:1 dilution and follow the instructions above.