Holistic Treatment for Dogs With Kidney Disease

If your dog is drinking large amounts of water and urinating more frequently, it might be time to see if kidney disease is the cause. Kidney disease is also known as chronic renal failure (CRF).CRF is a slow, progressive and ongoing disease. It is possible that you will not even notice the symptoms. Some dogs will not show symptoms until almost three quarters of their kidney function no longer works. Holistically treating your dog takes care and patience.

  1. Symptoms

    • Look for these symptoms if you suspect kidney disease in your dog: vomiting, drinking and urinating excessively, weight loss, lethargy.


    • Determining kidney disease and its extent is done through urinalysis and blood tests that your veterinarian will do. Your vet will also tell you if there is significant protein in the urine through blood testing. If the test results start coming back to normal results with the first five days, that is very positive.

    Holistic Treatment

    • Incorporating a low protein and low phosphorus diet cuts down on the ureic toxins that are being produced in your dog's kidneys. This will make your dog feel better. Phosphorous is the culprit that heightens renal failure. It is important to limit the phosphorus to slow down the disease. Make sure the water you offer your dog is pure, fresh water; otherwise your dog's kidneys will have to work harder to clear out the toxins. Exercise your dog often as it helps to cleanse and release toxins. Full body massage can help affect the overall well being of your beloved pet while allowing for detoxing.

    Recipes for your dog

    • Use organic food and whole foods; that way you know there are not any other toxins or hidden surprises. For example, mix an egg and potatoes, chicken fat and calcium carbonate along with a mineral tablet. Another meal is chicken breast, potatoes, chicken fat, calcium carbonate and the vitamin/mineral tablet. A third meal uses whole-wheat flour, garlic powder, low-fat chicken broth, water and cooked vegetables such as green beans or carrots. Veterinarians suggest that a homemade diet is best consisting of high-quality protein. The protein must be capable of producing little waste so that your dog's kidneys do not have to work harder.


    • Fish oil helps to protect the kidneys. Using vitamin E with the fish oil acts in a synergistic format. Kelp and alfalfa can be used sparingly to help cleanse your dog's kidneys.

      A combination of couch grass root, ginger root, goldenseal, juniper berry, lobelia, marshmellow parsley root and uva ursi leaf are a holistic combination for a medicinal tincture that will help to strengthen the immune system help to cleanse the liver. Since the kidneys and liver are your dog's cleansing system, it is important to use herbs that aid the cleansing process.

    The Bottom Line

    • While a daily regiment can help to control this disease, there is no way to reverse CRF, as the disease itself kills kidney cells. Finding a holistic practitioner along with your veterinarian can help you decide what will provide the most comfort to your dog.