How to Use Ivermectin on Dogs

Ivermectin is a drug used to prevent parasitic infections, such as heartworm disease, in dogs. Heartworm disease affects a dog's heart and lungs, causing respiratory or congestive heart failure, leading to death. A prescription drug, Ivermectin is only available through your veterinarian. Ivermectin is the main ingredient in Ivomec Wormer, a cheaper alternative to Heartgard. When administering Ivomec Wormer, pet owners must measure the correct dosage, ensuring little chance of overdose. Aside from dogs, Ivomec Wormer is also used to treat parasitic infections in livestock such as cattle and sheep.

Things You'll Need

  • Needle-free syringe


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      Speak with your veterinarian before using Ivomec Wormer. According to, dogs testing positive for heartworm disease should not use this drug. Breeds like collies and mixed collie breeds must use extra caution with Ivomec Wormer because of toxic effects which can cause seizures, disorientation or even death.

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      Ensure the correct dosage. Dosage will vary depending on breed of dog. However, general dosage is normally 0.0015 to 0.003 mg per pound once a month for heartworm prevention, 0.30 mg per pound in a two-week period (0.15 mg each week) for skin parasites, and 0.1 mg per pound for gastrointestinal parasites.

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      Ivomec Wormer must be administered orally. Using a needle-free syringe, draw the needed amount, insert syringe into dog's mouth and squeeze to release medication.

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      Watch for side effects, which can include stumbling, tremors, blindness and disorientation, according to