Symptoms of canine urinary-tract infections (UTIs) include more frequent urination, crying out when urinating, blood or pus in the urine and having accidents in the home. A dog with chronic UTIs may have another underlying health condition.
Dogs can't help acidents if they have a UTI.
According to Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook , urinary stones can be the cause or the result of chronic dog UTIs. They are started by invasive bacteria.
Other Symptoms
If the dog is drinking a lot more than usual and has recurring UTIs, it could have diabetes.
According to veterinarian Dr. Debra Primovic, if the dog has been put on a new medication such as cortisones, this may suppress the dog's immune system and make it more prone to recurring UTIs.
According to Primovic, if a dog is nervous or fears being attacked while urinating, it may intentionally hold urine in the bladder, resulting in infection.
Since there are many reasons that invasive bacteria can invade the bladder, urinary tract and cause a UTI, diagnosis must be done by a vet in order to get proper treatment.
Worst Case Scenario
Tumors of urinary system can also cause recurring canine UTI's.