For many years, boric acid has been used to safely treat infections, kill parasites, clean ears, and a myriad other things in pets. One of the great things about boric acid is that it is widely available and is very inexpensive.
Boric acid can be useful for pet care.
Killing Fleas
Sprinkling dry boric acid on fleas works to kill them by removing the waxy coating on their bodies; this dehydrates the fleas and eventually kills them. It can take two or more weeks to reach its full effectiveness.
Killing Roaches
Boric acid also kills roaches that can contaminate food supplies and spread possible diseases to pets.
Ear Wash
The use of boric acid, isopropyl alcohol and gentian violet solution as an ear wash in pets is also a common practice. Before using this recipe, make sure all ingredients are correctly measured.
Alleviating Pet Allergies
Boric acid can also used as a bathing agent to remove allergy-causing contaminants from the skin and fur of dogs. Boric acid is also effective when used to help whiten a light-colored dog's stained coat.
Eye Wash
Boric acid can be used as an eye wash to remove debris from a dog's eyes. Before making a boric acid eye wash for pets, make sure that all ingredients are correctly measured and it is safe to use on said animal.