Sometimes when canines are ill Tylenol can be an acceptable medication (in conservative doses) to ease pain. Dogs have sensitive systems and in cases of serious inflammation or chronic pain, a veterinarian should be sought to oversee administration of all human medication given to dogs. With a few tips you can find out the best way to administer Tylenol to your dog.
Things You'll Need
- Tylenol
- Veterinarian
Monitor your dog. Tylenol or any other human pain medication shouldn't be given unless pain or inflammation is chronic or severe.
Call your veterinarian. If pain persists or inflammation does not reduce ask if Tylenol is appropriate. If the doctor has no other medication preferences he may allow Tylenol.
Administer the Tylenol in the smallest dose recommended by the vet. The vet will tell you the frequency of dosage and how much you should give.
Monitor your dog for any effects. Do not administer any more Tylenol if your dog's condition improves.Tylenol is a human medication and is not compatible for young dogs who lack the enzymes to process it. If you notice any fatigue or vomiting, seek veterinary council.
Bring your dog to the vet. Whether the dog's condition improves or persists veterinary assistance is still necessary until your dog is well. Speak with the veterinarian on whether additional canine medication is necessary.