Beet Pulp Allergies in Dogs

Beet pulp is a common filler in dog foods. It's a fiber source, which is why it has been touted as beneficial. However, it has also been cited as causing allergies in dogs.

  1. About Beet Pulp for Foods

    • Beet pulp is readily available and inexpensive; these factors drive overuse of beet pulp.

    Beet Pulp Inexpensive Fiber

    • Lyn Richards, a dog expert, knocks the nutritional value of beet pulp. Richards claims that the type of fiber provided by the beet pulp may cause constipation.

    Beet Pulp As Sugar

    • Beet pulp, according to Sweet Pea Natural Pet Foods, is a sugar. Beet pulp can impact the health and behavior of dogs, making them hyper from the sugar high.

    Physical Effects

    • Beet pulp can cause skin irritation and ear infections if your dog is allergic to it.


    • One way to avoid beet pulp allergies in dogs is to steer clear of prepared dog foods with beet pulp. The other suggestion is to make homemade and allergen-free dog food.