Internal Parasites in Dogs

According to Pet Education, a website that provides expert information for all types of pets, "A parasite is regarded as an organism that derives nourishment by feeding on or within another animal (the host)." The host provides shelter and sustenance. Parasitic infection causes illnesses and even death. The most common parasites in dogs are worms and one-cell organisms.

  1. Types

    • Some of the worms that infect dogs include tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms and whipworms.

    Heart Worms

    • Heartworms take up residence in the heart and surrounding blood vessels of dogs. Heartworms are difficult to kill, and the treatment is often dangerous and expensive. Heart worm infestation can kill a dog if left untreated.


    • Protozoa are single-celled organisms that can infect dogs. Coccidia causes diarrhea and abdominal pain. In puppies, coccidia can lead to dehydration and death. Giardia is a protozoa that moves into the intestines and might produce no signs of infestation. When giardia causes symptoms, they include diarrhea, vomiting and blood in the stool.

    Health Risks

    • Parasites steal the dog's nutrients and weaken its immune system. As mentioned earlier, some parasites can cause extreme illness or death.


    • Monthly preventative medications, such as Revolution or Advantage, can protect against the common worms that infect dogs. Good hygiene, prompt feces removal and filtered water can help guard against protozoan parasites.