How to Dewormer you puppy with the best dewormer

The best way to deworm your puppy. And the easy way to do it.

Things You'll Need

  • Interecptor flavor tabs


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      When you take your puppy to the vet for its 6,9,12,14 week shots they will weight your puppy and then they should tell you about the dewormer that they provide at there clinic.

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      All dewormer go's by size and weight of your dogs. I like the Interceptor flavor tabs. The dogs love them they take them like a treat. Interceptore comes in 2-10 pounds 11-26 pounds 27-50 pounds and 50-100 pounds so when your puppy grows make sure you use the right weight range.

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      Once you get home form the Vet and you have the Interceptor give it to your dog as a treat and mark it on the calendar with the Interceptor sticker that is provide in the box. The Interceptore kills Heartworms, which they get from mosquitoes. Hookworms, they get from the dirt, where other dogs used the bathroom at. Roundworms, as so get from the dirt and other dogs. Whipworms, and the same with whipworms. Make sure your dog is dewormed for your own health. Kids and Adults can get worms for there dogs and walking outside with no shoes on. That's why this is one good treat for you and your dog. Just once a month.