The Best Flea Product for Dogs

Several types of products treat and prevent fleas. Insect growth regulators (IGR) interfere with the maturation of flea eggs and larvae, and adulticides kill adult fleas. When used in combination, these products are effective in preventing a flea infestation.

  1. Oral

    • Capstar is an oral adulticide that begins killing adult fleas 30 minutes after dosing. Capstar is safe to use with Program, a once-a-month oral IGR. Fleas that bite a dog taking Program produce sterile eggs.

    Spot Treatment

    • Frontline Plus, a once-monthly spot treatment, contains an adulticide to kill adult fleas and an IGR to stop eggs and larvae from maturing.


    • Adams flea and tick shampoo contains an adulticide that kills adult fleas. You must leave the shampoo on the dog's skin for 10 minutes before rinsing.


    • Frontline spray quickly kills adult fleas. Applied monthly, the spray is compatible with other flea-control products.

    Flea Collars

    • Flea collars are not strong enough to kill adult fleas, only eggs; however, placing a flea collar in your vacuum cleaner will help kill adult fleas as you vacuum.