Why Does My Dog Nibble With His Front Teeth?

Nibbling behavior in dogs is common. There are several reasons that a dog nibbles: age, boredom, comfort and affection. Dogs also nibble as a grooming behavior and is natural.

  1. Toys

    • Most dogs like chewing on toys, mostly soft ones. Rotate different types of toys to keep the dog amused and interested.


    • Young dogs sometimes have problems distinguishing between good behavior and unacceptable behavior. Be clear that nibbling is not a good behavior.


    • Nibbling on socks, blankets and clothes may be comforting. Toys, soft and plush are a good substitute. Train the dog to know that toys are good and everything else is off limits.


    • For some dogs, this is grooming behavior and normal. Dogs will share grooming behaviors with members of their pack.


    • For some dogs, nibbling is a demonstration of affection. If the behavior is not annoying or troublesome to you, then enjoy your dog's affection.