Herbal Cures for Fleas on Animals

Fleas are the bane of many a pet owner's existence. Fleas are not only irritating to the cats, dogs and other pets that get them. Those pesky little bugs have a way of infesting your whole house---and can be difficult to remove without using chemicals that may pose a threat to your pet's health and your own. But there are a number of natural, herbal solutions available for beating fleas.

  1. A Three-Part Approach

    • The best way to go about getting rid of fleas is to take a three-part approach: Get them off your pet, keep them off your pet, and get the remaining ones out of your house. There are natural ways to not only get rid your pet's coat of fleas, but also make your pet less attractive to any more that might want to take up residence there. And for your own sake, you'll want to get rid of any that have been hanging out in your carpet or in the cracks of your wood or concrete floor.

    Apple Cider Vinegar for Killing the Fleas on Your Pet

    • This is one of the most inexpensive ways to kill fleas that are already on your pet. Simply mix one part vinegar and one part water in a spray bottle and saturate your pet's coat with it. Work it deep into the animal's coat, where it will kill any fleas present. Allow it to dry, then use a flea comb to remove any dead fleas. Your pet will probably not like the smell of the vinegar, but the smell disappears once the solution has dried.

    Pennyroyal for Repelling Fleas Outdoors

    • Pennyroyal is a plant that fleas don't like. If your pets go out into your yard, plant a large patch of pennyroyal and allow it to become well-established there, and fleas will stay away. It's important to wait a year or so before expecting results. It's only very well-rooted plants that give off enough scent to repel fleas. The scent is quite pleasant for humans, however. In addition to letting the pennyroyal plants repel fleas from the yard, you can also make a temporarly flea-repellent collar for your pet by braiding stems of the plant together into a thick strand and fastening it around your pet's neck.

    Essential Oil Spray for Keeping Fleas Off Your Pet

    • Certain essential oils can be used alone or together in a flea-repellent spray to be used on your pet and its surroundings. Combine one part vodka or rubbing alcohol with one part distilled water, then for every cup of the mixture, add 30 drops of the oil or mixture of oils of your choice. Place it in a spray bottle and spray your pet with it liberally. Other oils you can use in place of or along with Pennyroyal are Eucalyptus, Rosemary, and Lavender. Your pet will smell lovely to you, but awful to the fleas. Be sure to wash all your pet's bedding in hot water to kill any fleas hiding there. Spray the bedding with the flea-deterrent essential oil spray from above and allow it to dry completely before your pet uses it again.

    Borax for Carpets

    • Borax, a mineral salt similar to baking soda that is also an excellent laundry detergent booster, is an effective flea killer and repellent for carpets. Simply pour some into a shaker (perhaps an empty Carpet Fresh container) and shake it liberally over your carpet before vacuuming. It's a trick that many pet groomers use in their grooming facilities to control fleas.